Thursday, 8 August 2019

The Ultimate Revelation of Prefab Homes

All these years, decades, in fact, people have been living in homes which were built with so much effort- manual labor, high costs, cemented bases and so on. On looking at the past 2 decades, businesses as well as residences have been switching to prefab homes being the new kind of homes they preferred building.
Ever wondered why that's the case?
Well, let's get to know prefab homes the best- Experts in architecture, aesthetics and other fields have answered questions about prefabricated houses, making it the ultimate revelation of prefab homes:

What are Prefab Homes really?
Technically speaking, prefab homes are housing structures which have been pre-built in factories in order to reduce building time, environmental pollution and cost of building homes too.
Environmentally speaking, prefab homes are also known as eco- friendly homes which almost the same as regular homes- in fact, a lot more beneficial for families, companies and the environment too.
Answering again, prefab homes are homes which are the future of housing and building structures, saving space for the rest of the world to enjoy the basic amenity of shelter, coming with many other benefits.

What is the need of prefabricated homes? – We do have stick built and other conventional homes, right?
The problem with stick built homes are the residue they leave behind more than anything. Conventional homes have always wasted essential resources like human labor, capital, leaving behind non- biodegradable waste which eventually is dumped into the sea which now does not seem to be having room for more trash.
Speaking about the current need of prefabricated homes, these homes leave almost 0% waste and are designed to be eco- friendly.
Here's why conventional homes are the need of the hour:
    Conventional home waste cannot be disposed because there's no room for landfills anymore. Prefab homes do not have much waste to dispose because mostly everything is consumed!
    Prefab homes don't take more than 3 months to be ready to live in- accommodates people super quick!
    Prefab homes cater to customized needs- roof types, room resizing etc. which conventional homes cannot do
In the simplest of terms, Prefab homes are a kind of 'green building' which must be adopted for effective sustainable development and living style.

What are the different kinds of prefabricated homes?
There are multiple kinds of prefab homes however, there's a basic layout which comprises of 5 types:
    Wooden Homes: Inspired by nature, prefab Wooden Homes redefines classy living with design masterpieces that are technically advanced, sustainable, environmentally safe and economic. Select from our wide range of wooden homes to find your right fit.
    Pre-engineered Steel Buildings: Pre-engineered steel Building (PEB) is the solution to contemporary, cost-effective and agile construction. Custom-designed, light on weight and sturdy, PEBs are suitable for a wide range of commercial constructions.
    Light Gauge Steel Frame- Rapid Building: The demand for Light Gauge Steel Frame (LGSF) buildings and structures across global markets is growing rapidly. This technology was brought forward to help businesses take a smart step towards the green revolution.
    Container Homes: Sleek, urbane and eco-homes find a new name in shipping container homes. A modern solution to civilized living, container houses are economic, stylish and ideal for business and personal use.
    Kiosks: The modern prefab kiosk is the new way to take your brand closer to customers. From material to size and color, prefab home builders provide complete customized solutions for prefabricated kiosks for business needs.
There are other kinds of prefab structures which can surely be used while working on your dream home or workspace like aluminum steel wooden frames, prefab toilets, wooden aluminum homes, LED facades, prefab tents and many more.

What about builders- are prefab home builders the same as the conventional builders?
 Not all conventional home builders support the idea of prefab home construction- however, there are few brands who do support the idea of prefab housing.
The reason why there are separate prefab home builders because of the style of working there- Factories need to be up-to-date, the labor needs to be less but, effective enough, the housing style completely differs therefore, the builders need to know everything about what a container house go in-sync with, for example.
Brands like Champion Prefabs work towards eco- friendly home building and have it all in place- they are not just good at what they do but, they know exactly why they're doing what they're doing and believe in it too!

Not everything can be rosy- are there any downfalls while building prefab homes?
Well, unfortunately, there are downfalls but, not in the process of prefab building or the house itself. The downfall comes with the approval, licensing etc. Learn more:
    The prefab house needs to undergo 35+ quality checks- if not, they may not be approved for set-up on-site
    The builder needs to have required license in order to go around building prefab structures
    When recycled items are used to build prefab structures, they need to be checked- for example, rusted containers cannot be recycled, period.

At the end of it, prefab homes are lovely. They can be customized, multiple rooms can be worked on in the span of a month or two. Above all, they're affordable eco- friendly homes, contributing towards sustainable living.

At the end of the day, all we all do need to think about our coming generation and leave enough for them.

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